The Man, the Myth, the Weasel.

Created in the rolling hills of Kentucky, meet Sammy the Weasel, aka STW. Sammy is known most notably for his charm, wit, and cordial acts of deceivery. He’s the sneaky little brother you never realized you had. Through Sammy’s antics and adventures, he iterates the fact that life should not be taken so seriously and invites you to join in on the fun. Enter into the world of the weasel where onions are prized possessions and spontaneity and randomness are encouraged!

The Other Guys

Monica Laake Beavers, Illustrator & Co-Author

Monica graduated from Xavier University with a degree in Graphic Design. She interned at Walt Disney World and has had experience working for various nonprofits, marketing firms, and more. A lifelong lover of drawing and illustrating, Monica currently owns her own company Monica Laake Beavers Design, LLC. Monica has written and illustrated several additional books, including The Big Brown Bunny Who Can’t (Won’t) Hop and The Big Brown Huh?.

Denny Laake, Weasel Mastermind & Co-Author

Denny, Monica’s dad and the mastermind behind it all, just likes to write funny weasel stories. He has no professional writing training (that he leads onto) but he did receive a Certificate of Good Writing in fifth grade, just saying…

Alongside Monica, the two bring the Sammy the Weasel series to life through the following books: Good Luck, Sammy!, This is the End!, and The Elephant(s) in the Room.